Contact Details Form Contact Details during the RallyAs per Supplementary Regulations, individual and general communication between all Rally Officials (Rally Control/CoC, Rally Secretariat, CRO, Stewards, Technical Staff etc.) and the competitors/crew members will primarily and as far as possible be conducted electronically (Sportity, cellphone, email). For this purpose, each competitor is required to nominate ONE official representative authorised for the purpose of receiving any official notifications. As some of these notifications can be issued while rally cars are on stages, this person can neither be the driver nor the co-driver. This person should be a team representative who will be based in the Service Park during the event. This contact (name, title, cellphone, email) must be nominated via the form on our website under the Competitors section before Monday 19 September 2022 and will be used both for general and individual communications. Any confirmation of receipt, if required, must mandatorily also be returned by this contact via the Sportity App feedback function. Name of the person completing this form *Email of the person completing this form *Car NumberCo-Driver Name *Driver Name *NAME OF THE OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVE AUTHORISED TO RECEIVE ANY OFFICIAL NOTIFICATIONS / SPORTITY MESSAGES AND CONFIRM THE RECEIPT *Email of Official Representative *Mobile of Official Representative *Name of Team Contact during the Rally (if different)Mobile of Team Contact during the Rally (including Country Code if not NZ mobile)Email of Team Contact during the Rally (including Country Code if not NZ mobile)Additional Mobile Contact , if needed (including Country Code if not NZ mobile)Additional Email Contact , if needed, during the RallySUBMIT623Share on Facebook103Share on Twitter108Share on LinkedIn