Printed Materials & Documents Form Printed Materials & Documents FormFor sustainability and environmental protection reasons, our goal as an Organiser is to avoid excessive printing. Thus, we kindly ask each team to think through, how many Road Books and Route Maps you actually need as per 2022 FIA WRC SR Appendix 6 and Repco Rally NZ SR Art. 4.4.2. If you don't need as many printed items as specified in the regulations, we ask you to fill in the number in the form below by 29 August 2022. Filling in this form is not obligatory, but we kindly ask you to do it. This way we can reduce the environmental impact by printing only the necessary number of materials.DRIVER *CO - DRIVER *TEAM REPRESENTATIVE FILLING IN FORM *E-MAIL ADDRESS OF THE PERSON FILLING IN THE FORM *ROAD BOOK SETSROUTE MAPSSPECTATOR PROGRAMMESVIP or GUEST VEHICLE PASSESSERVICE PASSESAUXILLARY PASSESROUTE NOTE CREW PASSESTEAM PASSESGUEST PASSESSUBMIT623Share on Facebook103Share on Twitter108Share on LinkedIn